Edited from New Unger’s Bible Dictionary




  1. Introduction and salutation (1:1-8)


  1. PAST: “The things which you have seen”: The glorified Christ (1:9-20)


III. PRESENT: “The things which are”: The seven churches (2-3)

  1. The apostolic church: Ephesus (2:1-7); 30-900
  2. The persecuted church: Smyrna (2:8-11); 80-321
  3. The worldly church: Pergamum (2:12-17); 321-600
  4. The pagan church: Thyatira (2:18-29); 600-1517+
  5. The Protestant church: Sardis (3:1-6) ; 1517+
  6. The missionary church: Philadelphia (3:7-13): 1700s-1800s
  7. The apostate church: Laodicea (3:14-22); 1850s+


  1. FUTURE: “What must take place after these things”:

Rapture of the Church, the Great Tribulation and the Second Coming of Christ (4-22)

  1. RAPTURE: The church in heaven with Christ (4)
  2. Loosing of the seven-sealed book (5)


  1. The Great Tribulation (6-11); 7 years2 3 1/2 yr periods
  2. The seven seals (6:1-8:1); last seal opens trumpets

(1) false prophet (6:2)

(2) war (6:3-4)

(3) famine (6:5-6)

(4) death (6:7-8)

(5) martyrs (6:9-11)

(6) signs

(7) trumpets (8:1-2)

  1. The seven trumpets (8:2-11:19)

(1) earth (8:7)

(2) sea (8:8-9)

(3) waters (8:10-11)

(4) lights (8:12-13)

(5) demons (9:1-12)

(6) Armageddon (9:16-21)

(7) end (11:15-19)


  1. The seven performers during the Great Tribulation (12-13)
  2. The woman: Israel (12:1-2)
  3. The red dragon: Satan (12:3-4)
  4. The male child: Christ (12:5-6)
  5. Michael, the archangel, wars with the dragon (12:7-12)
  6. Satan’s persecution of the woman, Israel (12:13-16)
  7. The remnant of Israel (12:17)
  8. The Beast out of the sea: political power and a person (13:1-10)
  9. The Beast out of the earth: Antichrist (13:11-18)


  1. The latter part of the Great Tribulation (14)
  2. The seven bowls (15-16)
  3. Judgment of ecclesiastical and commercial Babylon (17-18)

3 Christ’s second advent (19)


  1. The Millennium (20)